Archive | March, 2012

How To Increase Website Traffic Through Google

5 Mar

Google Traffic

There are tons of company owners out there that I talk to who have websites but don’t know what SEO stands for or what it is. These people have websites promoting their business. If you have a website and want traffic to it through search engines SEO is critical. To the newbies SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation and is simply about making your website stand out to search engines. Many readers of this will know SEO and they know how much work goes into getting top Google rankings.

The people who ask me this question are often small business owners who have setup a website in the hope to gain more sales. They do what most small business owners do and get the first web designer to setup hosting, design a site, and charge a small fortune. The business then goes about updating their stationary with their web address, change their signing and tell their friends all about their site. This method is old fashioned, as it still requires people to see your signs. Your competitors are out there taking advantage of customers by ranking high in search engines for what they are looking for.

This day and age if you don’t rank high in search engines for keyword relating to your product you might as well not have a website. Put yourself in the picture, say you’re searching for a plumber, you would type in Plumber and your suburb into the search engine, click search and see the results. Very few people go past position number four.

You may be asking, “What are the secrets to getting to page one?” This is when SEO come in. Search engine optimisation occur both on-page as well as off-page. On-page happens exactly as it describes, on your website pages. The search engines look at the content with your site to see what it is all about. Your web designer manages this by including your keywords in the Meta descriptions and content. It even looks at the web address to see if it’s relevant. If you web address is there is a good chance you will rank well for landscaping supplies in a search.

Secondly there is off-page SEO. I describe this as the popularity of your site. If you have other people talking about your site and referencing your site by creating links to it, the search engines think “wow this site is good, it must really know about its’ topic. We better rank it high for that topic”. I know it seems simple. In the SEO world these links are called backlinks. The more backlinks your site has the better it will rank.

There are a lot of SEO providers to be found on the internet. Many of them will guarantee you a number one ranking and will build you thousands of backlinks to do it. The problems with these are how they build too many back links to rapidly on sites. Your search positions will go up, you will probably profit for some time, and then your returns will fall down again to their original place because Google classified the links as spammy. This really is a total waste of money as well as your profits.

Make sure you choose the right method to get Google Rankings

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